Stalkers or the Press?

Does the paparazzi have too much freedom?

A former body guard used to like looking at pictures online about celebrities. Then, when he became a bodyguard, he realized the press was all about freedom, and paparazzi had no boundaries. Most paparazzi “stalk” celebrities hoping to get “the next big shot.” Paparazzi often get in high speed chances which end up in harm. Once, a paparazzi got hit by a car and died whole trying to capture a picture.

Supporters argue that the first amendment right protects freedom of press. They argue that paparazzi are ways to get information through press. They argue that as long as the paparazzi are not doing anything illegal, they do not have too much power.

in my opinion I feel the paparazzi does have too much freedom. The founding fathers could not have imagined a time with celebrities and cameras. Also, the paparazzi violated the right of privacy sometimes while trying to get a shot of celebrities.


Islamic Fashion Takes Off.

This week I read an article on Turkish airline’s flight attendants have to wear uniforms from the days of the Ottoman empire, which had ended in 1922. This has caused outbreaks in Turkey, whose government has been trying to introduce more values into public live. Many are worried the new uniforms will cause tourist visits to decrease, and that would mean less money in Turkey’s economy. The Turkish government is “‘bringing back the old as something new.'”

Picture: Click here.

Did Picasso Buy His Paint at Home Depot?

This week I read an article about Pablo Picasso creating his works of art with very cheap paint. Modern technology, like x-rays, have been able to answer what Picasso painted with. He created over ten thousand paintings from basic house paint. He used basic house paint because it was inexpensive, and dried faster than oil paint. Conservatives think it preserves differently than oil paint.

This article was written to inform the reader about Pablo Picasso’s designs made out of common, inexpensive house paint. He created brilliant works of art using only cheap paint. In my opinion, I like how he used cheap paint. It shows that not everything good has to be expensive.

Picture. Click Here.

Do We Need Renivations on the United States Flag?

This week, I read an article by Alessandra Potenza. It was called: “Puerto Rico: The 51st State?” Many Americans voted on November sixth to decide the president. However, Puerto Rico was not able to vote, not being a part of the fifty states of America. Puerto Ricans are American citizens, however they do not have the same constitutional rights. They are not able to vote in the presidential elections. “‘We are not happy being second-class citizens,” said a twenty-one year old who voted in favor for Puerto Rico becoming a state.

Many are now wondering if Puerto Rico will become a state. Many think that Congress will do nothing about it but have hearings. In my opinion, I think that Puerto Rico should have a say. They are American citizens, so they should be treated with the same rights that we have as Americans. “‘For me, being a U.S. citizen is a lot more than carrying a passport. I am very hopeful that one day we are going to be a state of the Union.'”I don’t know if Puerto Rico will ever become a state, but who knows. Maybe one day we will have fifty-one stars on the American flag.

Puerto Rican Flag

This article written by Alessandra Potenza was to inform people about Puerto Rico wanting to be part of the United States, and what is being done about it. It was to show what Puerto Ricans are feeling, and how many supporters are still hoping that one day they will be a state in the Union.

Click on the words to get to the images I used.

American Flag.
Puerto Rican Flag.


I SEEN TXTN EFFECT GRAMER & SPELLIN. Why Texting Is Causing Many Spelling and Grammar Issues to Arise.

In the time the Upfront magazine came out, I found an interesting article by Alessandra Potenza, about what may be causing students’ spelling and grammar skills. The answer to what might be causing an increase in spelling and grammar mistakes is the use of phones and technology. There are many people who do not know how to spell and use grammar and punctuation properly because they use abbreviations and “txtn” language that consists of LOL, BRB, and various types of emoticons and incorrect grammar and spelling.

In this article, many people are astonished by how many people do not know how to use proper English. For example, a woman applying for a job, kept making mistakes that many believe is a cause of technology and websites such as twitter where proper spelling and grammar is not encouraged. She didn’t get the job, because the manager of the job said that she tossed aside any application with faulty spelling and or grammar.

People are wondering why technology is such a huge problem for learning how to spell. It is all because teens have spell check on their computers, and their they think that using “IM-ing” language is okay. For example, many students are thinking it is okay to use, “U” in substitution for “You.” There is a difference though, “u” is just a letter, while “you” is a pronoun. And it isn’t just little things like that, it is not capitalizing proper nouns and words that need capitalizing.


In my opinion, I do not think this is okay. One time heard a teenage girl in a grocery store saying, “I seen the movie.” I flinched when I heard that, knowing that was not correct grammar. Many people think that the English language is evolving, but I do not feel that texting language is evolving. I feel like that texting language is going down in the level of society. I do feel like technology plays a big factor in why many people don’t know proper English spelling or grammar.

I think texting language is causing problems for people. I remember I could spell almost any word back before I had spellcheck, but since I got spellcheck on my computer, I am making little mistakes that I used to be able to do with no problem. Also, when I first got my phone, I remember I was using abbreviations, and basically forgot how to use proper English spelling and grammar. It didn’t slide in my house though, since my mother is very strict about my brother and I using proper English. She would always correct us. I think that is why I hate grammar mistakes a lot, especially if I make them and don’t realize it.

I don’t think technology is just a problem for teens, though. Just the other week I got a text message from my father asking if I was reading to be picked up at my friends house. The message said: “R U ready?” I freaked out over that, because I can’t stand abbreviations . Sure, I make mistakes sometimes and use “LOL” and “BRB” while texting, but for the most part, I cannot stand incorrect grammar. I can’t even use numbers written as numbers and not spelled out. I always write out the numbers. Instead of “I have 12 folders,” I write, “I have twelve folders.” I also can’t stand abbreviations like etc., ex., i.e, and many more. (I’ll admit, I was cringing as I wrote the title and every time I used an abbreviation.)

Some people are not like this though, and I feel if we don’t address this issue, then many teens will not ever improve in their language. I know a lot of people who don’t know when it is appropriate to use whom instead of who, the difference between to, too, and two, the difference between their, there, and they’re, and the difference between then and than. I believe if we don’t change this soon, many problems could arise in this language.

There are some tips on how to help improve your spelling, and grammar, though. Here is a couple of examples: first, spellcheck sometimes makes mistakes. Make sure to proofread all work at least twice. Secondly, you should not use emoticons to express your feelings, you should do that with words. Third, say “laugh out loud,” instead of the popular abbreviation of “LOL.” Also, “u” is a letter while “you” is a pronoun. And remember, good reading and writing takes time. It also doesn’t hurt to read a lot. Reading usually helps you learn correct spelling and grammar.

If you want to learn more about this topic, here is a website that I am going to link if you click HERE. It has some more information about students having trouble because of texting and other websites such as Facebook.

Thanks for reading! I will post something different in the next article.

Pictures (Click on the words to get to the links):
Tearing Up Paper
Then or Than

Vote on this poll I made, please!

Unveiling Europe: Bans on Muslim Veils (Upfront Post Numer Two)

Europe is banning Muslim veils, which is causing problems to arise all throughout Europe. There are different types of veils such as hijabs, chadors, abayas, niqabs, and the birqas. The birqa is what is causing the most problems in Europe because they cover the whole body, only leaving a mesh screen so the person wearing it can see through the mesh. Europeans are saying they want to ban them because it could cause criminals to get away. They say that the criminals would be able to hide behind the veil, so when the police are looking for them, they just seem to be wearing the veil because of their religion, not because they are criminals. Others believe that by taking away the veils, it is not allowing woman to express themselves and religious beliefs. Europeans that want the veils gone argue that there is a fine line of public and religious matters. They say that religious matters should not be brought in public. Many are questioning if Europe is doing this so tourists who do not appreciate Muslim culture will not leave the country because they see the Muslims and do not like that religion. Woman of this religion are outraged.

Another question that was answered, is if this could ever happen in the United States of America. Well, the First Amendment protects religious expression. But in Europe tries to keep religion out of the public. Many are outraged at the ban of the veils.

In my opinion I believe that woman should not be penalized the fine for expressing their religion out in public. That is like saying people are not able to express who they are. I do agree that it could create problems with crime, but I don’t believe that woman should be fined for their religious beliefs. In my opinion, if someone wants to express who they are and wear the veil, than they should.

Why Is A Small Click for a Facebook “Like” Causing a Big Problem?

This is my first Upfront! posting. It is on an article called: “Are Facebook ‘Likes’ Protected by the First Amendment?” 

Many people have been wondering if punishments for online posts or likes is against the First Amendment. It all started in April of 2009. A man from Virginia named Daniel Ray Carter was fired from his job. He worked as a deputy of Sheriff B.J. Roberts. Daniel said he was fired because he “liked” the Facebook page of a person running against Daniel’s boss. This case was soon brought up in court, and left many people wondering if Daniel being fired was against freedom of speech since he was a public employee, not a private employee. Some people argue that a “thumbs-up” on Facebook, is not an actual statement, and is not protected under freedom of speech. Others argue that our Founding Fathers could have never imagined websites and technology back in 1791, so they couldn’t have thought to protect against online statements. Some say that online speech should be protected. People argue that there are boundaries between people’s professional and personal life. Right now, it is an unsettled matter if internet should affect a person’s rights on speech. Since there is a line between public and private matters, some argue that one can not be charged because they did it on their own time. Many people have an opinion that what you do on the internet is not a private matter, because whatever you do on the internet can not be taken back. The argument is still being debated by the Supreme Court. It is being debated if one can be charged based on Internet Speech.



My First Post (:

This is my very first blog post ever! I am still trying to figure out how to work this complicated device also known as the internet. More specifically this website. Wish me good luck! This is my first time ever using a blog, and I am still trying to figure out how it all works. Technology doesn’t seem to like me. It is always crashing on me or finding some way to break. Like all my headphones that I have ever owned. They all end up broken or one headphone stops working. I should probably go for now, because my internet will probably crash soon knowing my luck. (:Broken Headphones